No matter what kind of business you have, if you want to get more followers on Instagram, you need to be in the right category. Here are some tips on how to find the right category for your business:

1. Look at your competition. What categories are they in? If they’re in a popular category, it’s likely that you’ll need to be in that category too.

2. Use keyword research to find popular categories. You can use a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Planner to find popular keywords related to your business.

3. Look at the Instagram Explore page. This is a great way to see what’s popular on Instagram and find new categories to be in.

4. Use hashtags to find popular categories. Hashtags are a great way to find popular content on Instagram. You can use a tool like Hashtagify to find popular hashtags related to your business.

5. Ask your followers what category they think you should be in. This is a great way to get feedback from your audience and see what they think is the best fit for your business.

Once you’ve found the right category for your business, you can start using hashtags and other strategies to get more followers on Instagram.

how to change category on instagram

If you want to change the category of your business on Instagram, you can do so by editing your profile. To edit your profile, go to your profile page and click on the “Edit Profile” button. From here, you’ll be able to change your username, name, website, bio, and more.

To change your category, click on the “Category” drop-down menu and select the new category that you want to be in. Once you’ve made your changes, be sure to click on the “Save Changes” button to save your changes.

Benefits of being in the right category

There are a few benefits of being in the right category on Instagram. First, it will help you get more followers. If you’re in a popular category, you’ll be more visible to potential followers. Second, it will help you get found in search. When people search for businesses in your category, your business will more likely come up. And third, it will help you be featured on the Explore page.

If you’re in a popular category, you’re more likely to be featured on the Explore page, which can help you get even more followers.


No matter what kind of business you have, if you want to get more followers on Instagram, you need to be in the right category. Use the tips above to find the right category for your business, and start using hashtags and other strategies to get more followers.