You can cancel Kindle Unlimited if you want to. Here’s how.

The manage your kindle unlimited membership is a guide that will help you cancel your Kindle Unlimited account.

Cancel Kindle Unlimited – For $9.99 a month, you can read an unlimited number of books or magazines from Amazon’s Kindle collection. Perhaps it’s a bibliophile’s dream.

Subscription to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited

However, the ointment isn’t entirely painless. Despite its name, Kindle Limitless is not an unlimited service. You’d think that just by looking at it, the whole Kindle library is available.

It’s not going to happen. The software now contains over a million titles, but there is still a long way to go before it can spare you from having to browse through everything Amazon has to offer. Even though you can read as many books as you like, you may check out up to ten books (or magazines) at a time to read on your Kindle or Kindle software per month as a bonus. I don’t believe that’s a big issue for most of us, but if you want to have several books open at once, this may not be the program for you.

You’re a part of the Amazon publishing ecosystem. On the Kindle Unlimited list, there are a few bestsellers, with some of the most noteworthy outliers being some of the most successful books of all time. Many labels may substantially cancel their titles since many major publishing companies do not want them included in the program. These are the most typical.

cancel kindle unlimited

Even though it has the biggest collection of all the services providing “unlimited” reading, some individuals believe the catalogs provided by Scribd and Oyster have better titles than Cancel Kindle Unlimited. Furthermore, if you already have Amazon Prime, you may read the majority of Cancel Kindle Unlimited. However, you will only be able to access one book at a time.

Cancel Kindle Unlimited offers three major benefits that set it apart from the competition. A 30-day free trial is available to try out the program before making a purchase. You must cancel your subscription before your credit card is debited if you want to cancel before the 30 days are up.

Without a sure, the Amazon ecosystem is a fantastic location to discover new and rising writers as opposed to the same old authors we’ve all heard about. Finally, the Cancel Kindle Unlimited program is compatible with all Kindle apps for iOS, Android, and Windows, as well as the excellent physical Kindle device.

How can you cancel your Kindle Unlimited membership if you no longer wish to participate in the program?

A Step-by-Step Guide to Cancelling Kindle Unlimited

Kindle Unlimited is now the finest eBook service available, but it is not suited for everyone. If you decide it’s time to quit using Kindle Unlimited, there’s no difficulty in canceling your membership. All you have to do now is follow the instructions below.

Step 1 

You must pay for the service up to the time you wish to cancel to prevent an extra fee and canceling before your next payment cycle.

Step 2

The first step is to go to your Amazon Kindle Unlimited account page and sign in. 

Step 3

The status of your Kindle Unlimited subscription will now be shown in a summary.

A button that reads Get Started Now and Cancel Kindle Unlimited Membership is located in the left-hand corner of your screen.

Step 4

To cancel your subscription, go to the bottom of the window and click the Cancel button.

Step 5

After clicking the Cancel Kindle Unlimited button, you’ll be sent to a screen that asks, “Are you sure you want to cancel your membership?”

Step 6

On the right side of this picture, you’ll see the books in your Kindle collection. Below those books are two buttons that say Keep membership and a third one that says Cancel membership.

Step 7

In the member management section of the website, click Discontinue membership, which will take you to a confirmation page where you may confirm that you wish to cancel your subscription. You won’t be able to cancel your Kindle Unlimited account until the monthly cycle is through, therefore you’ll be able to keep using it until the payment cycle is over.

Step 8 

You may also terminate your Kindle Unlimited subscription by going to your Account settings on the Amazon Account page.

Step 9

Select the Kindle Unlimited option from the Accounts & Lists pull-down menu.

Following the identical procedures described above, you may now terminate your Amazon Kindle subscription.

Step 10

Kindle Unlimited accounts will not be terminated until the end of your payment cycle, so you may keep using it until then.

how to cancel kindle unlimited

Cancelling Kindle Unlimited on Amazon is a simple process.

If you cancel your membership and new titles begin to emerge, you may wish to renew it for another month if you haven’t already done so. When you can’t cancel your membership, you may easily renew it with a few clicks. Follow the procedures above and these actions to obtain information about your Kindle Unlimited account:

Step 1

If you want to keep your Kindle Unlimited subscription, just click the button.

Step 2

If you haven’t already done so, hitting this button will automatically renew your subscription. There is no confirmation box, therefore when you click it, there will be an automatic renewal since there are no confirmation boxes.

What to Do If Your Subscription Has Been Canceled

As a general guideline, if you’re working with subscriptions that will automatically renew, double-check that everything will be properly terminated. This may be verified in a number of ways:

For your Kindle Unlimited membership, go to the account page.

Follow the same steps as before to go to your account page. You’ll need to check for an expiry date after being taken to your membership page. It indicates that the account has been scheduled to expire on this date.

This page informs you that you will no longer be able to access your account for Cancel Kindle Unlimited if your account is cancelled.

Take a look at your inbox to see what’s new.

There is some positive news to report. Amazon will notify you whenever anything changes with your account, subscriptions, orders, and so on. Your sole duty is to double-check that your cancellation was completed properly by opening your email client and searching for the Amazon confirmation.

You will get an email soon detailing the date on which your Kindle Unlimited membership expires, as well as a link to extend your subscription if you so choose. In the message, you’ll also find several titles that you may be interested in.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

What should I do if I want to cancel my membership at any time?

There is no issue, however there is no assurance of a refund. Because Kindle Unlimited and many other services are virtually free, you are pre-paying for the following month. You are already paying the bill until the end of the payment cycle when you press the cancel button, thus you have already paid for the service when you clicked the button.

As a consequence, you will not be eligible for a refund for the current month, but you will not be charged again when your subscription expires.

The books I’ve written have been downloaded. Is it okay if I keep them?

No. Once your account is terminated, you will no longer be able to access the books you have downloaded or checked out. If that’s what you require, I think you could get a digital copy of the book you’re interested in through the Amazon purchasing page on the website.

Before terminating your subscription, double-check your renewal date, particularly if you are presently reading a book.

Subscriptions on Amazon are refundable. That makes logical, right?

Although Amazon does not have a generally recognized return policy, there are certain situations in which Amazon will provide a refund. If the renewal date is more than 30 days from the time you subscribe (you will be invoiced in 30 days from the time you sign up), you may cancel your paid membership. If you cancel within the first seven days, you will get a refund of the amount you paid.

When you terminate your membership, all of your books will be lost.

The books will stay on your e-reader if you cancel your Kindle Unlimited membership. Some customers attempt to outwit Amazon by putting as many canceled Kindle Unlimited titles as they can onto their e-reader before canceling.

There isn’t going to be anything like that. The books will be immediately deleted from your Kindle collection whenever your device connects to the internet and syncs with Amazon servers. When you terminate your Kindle Unlimited membership, the books will be immediately deleted from your Kindle library.

It’s recommended not to attempt to deregister your Kindle before canceling your Kindle Unlimited membership. When you deregister your Kindle, you won’t be able to read any of your books. That is without a doubt the case.

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The How to Cancel Kindle Unlimited (2021) is a guide that will help you cancel your amazon kindle subscription.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I cancel Kindle unlimited recommendations?

You can cancel your Kindle unlimited recommendations at any time by visiting the Manage Your Content and Devices page on, clicking on the Your Content tab, then selecting Manage Recommendations.

Is Kindle Unlimited easy to cancel?

It is possible to cancel Kindle Unlimited, but it can be difficult. You will have to contact customer service and wait for them to process your cancellation request.

How do I manage books in Kindle Unlimited?

You can manage your books in Kindle Unlimited by going to the Manage Your Content and Devices option on Amazon.

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