We all have that one post on Instagram that got a lot of likes, but what about the other posts that were liked just as much? It’s easy to forget about them because they’re not at the top of our feed anymore. Luckily, there’s a way to see your most-liked posts from throughout your entire Instagram history.

Log into your Instagram account

Instagram is a great way to share your life with friends and family all over the world. And with the new “Posts You’ve Liked” feature, you can easily take a trip down memory lane and relive all your favorite moments. Go to the “Insights” tab in your profile. Select the “Likes” section from the list of options. You’ll be able to see a list of your top liked photos and videos, as well as some other statistics about your likes.

Can i see what i liked on instagram

Yes, you can see what you liked on Instagram by going to the “Posts You’ve Liked” section of your profile. To get there, click on the three dots in the upper-right corner of your screen and select “Posts You’ve Liked.” On the next page, you’ll see a grid of all the posts you’ve liked on Instagram. If you want to see more details about a particular post, just click on it. So go ahead and take a trip down memory lane by checking out your most-liked Instagram posts today!

A list of your top liked posts will appear, ranked from most likes to least likes

To do this, open up the Instagram app and go to your profile page. Then, click on the three dots in the upper-right corner of the screen. From there, select “Posts You’ve Liked.” On the next page, you’ll see a grid of all the posts you’ve liked on Instagram. If you want to see more details about a particular post, just click on it. This is a great way to look back and reflect on the posts that meant the most to you. It’s also a fun way to see which of your friends’ posts are your favorites.

Take a look at what type of content people seem to like the most on your account

If you’re curious about what type of content gets the most likes on your Instagram account, the “Posts You’ve Liked” feature can give you some insight. To see a list of your top liked posts, go to your profile and click on the three dots in the upper-right corner of the screen. Then, select “Posts You’ve Liked.” On the next page, you’ll see a grid of all the posts you’ve liked on Instagram. If you want to see more details about a particular post, just click on it. From there, you can scroll through your list of liked posts and take note of the types of content that seem to get the most likes.

Use this information to create similar content that will resonate with your followers

Now that you know what type of content gets the most likes on your account, you can use this information to create similar content in the future. If you see that posts with photos of nature tend to do well, try posting more photos of scenic landscapes. Or if you notice that people seem to like your posts about food, try sharing more recipes and tips on eating healthy. By using the “Posts You’ve Liked” feature as a guide, you can create content that your followers will love.